Winter is Coming. Be Prepared for Off-Season Training!


Just because the days are shorter and the temperatures are lower doesn’t mean you have to put your training plans into hibernation.



It happens every year here in Chicago: after a summer filled with sunshine & fun, the winter comes to make it a little bit harder to get out of bed in the morning. In these long months, we all need a little bit of extra motivation to commit to riding our bikes and to squeeze the most out of these challenging months. Whether you plan to continue to ride outside or transition to riding your bike on a trainer, keep reading for tips on how to make it through this off-season.



Start with a Goal

Going into the winter with a specific goal will make the season go by faster, so set aside some time for yourself to come up with a goal for you to look forward to. Goals keep us accountable and provide direction when the season provides less-than-ideal conditions. When considering what you want to accomplish over the winter, consider setting a S.M.A.R.T. goal: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, & Time-Oriented. An example of a good goal could be a race you sign up for, a certain amount of days/week you want to bike to work, or even to attend all of our winter training sessions!

For more guidance on how to set a goal you can actually accomplish, take a look at this blog from last year!


Inside or Outside? That is the question.

There are pros & cons to either training inside or out, but there are so many ways to make both more fun! Riding inside has the obvious benefit of being immune to any weather-related problems or poor road conditions. However, using a stationary bike or riding your own bike on a trainer doesn’t have the same feel as riding on the road. Plus it can be incredibly boring if you don’t have anyone to ride with. Riding outside is going to provide the most training benefits since you’ll get to practice how your bike actually handles. The trade-off is that you’ll endlessly be checking the weather forecast and scheduling your workouts between snowfall.

The best choice for you may be not to decide at all – you can always do a little bit of both! Plan a long ride on the same day as a blizzard? Hop on the trainer for a couple hours instead! Sign up for a BFF indoor training session, but the sun is out at the same time? We’ll miss you, but you should go enjoy the sunshine while it lasts! No matter what you decide to do, there are plenty of ways to make both the indoors and outdoors more enjoyable to train in through the winter.


Set up for success on an indoor Trainer:

Riding your own bike inside is the best way to maximize training benefits since it’ll have a more realistic ride feel than a Peloton or any other stationary bike. The best way to make that happen is by getting a trainer that works with your bike. Not sure what’s going to be compatible or which trainer out there will help you achieve your goals? Stop by the shop or shoot us an email to chat about your specific needs!

Occupy your Mind:

For me, the hardest part about riding inside is how boring it can be. Without the distractions of the wind and scenery and having to remember where to turn next, all that’s left is to focus on how uncomfortable you are. This is why it is even more important to have something queued up to keep you busy. Whether it's a new show, audiobook, or even a video game, plan ahead to have something to distract you! I’ve found that the best distraction is other people who are in the same boat (or saddle) as you, so be sure to check if there are any classes you can join.

Dress to Impress outdoors:

When riding in the cold, the whole key to the whole thing is to trap the heat your body is already generating. You don’t have to bundle as much as you might think, a good rule of thumb is to dress for 10 degrees warmer than what the forecast says or plan to shed layers as you get going.

When bundling up, prioritize keeping your extremities warm. A nice buff, lobster gloves & socks will go a long way in keeping your face, hands & feet warm.

Kit out your bike:

If you’re going to do one thing to winterize your bike, it should be to get a nice set of winter tires. Winter tires will probably be a little bit wider than what you ride in the summer since they provide a larger surface area to grip onto the pavement. If you can’t fit wider tires on your frame or don’t want to get a new set for whatever reason, you can let out a little bit of air to accomplish the same thing. If you do want to invest in a new set of tires, do consider getting something with at least a little bit of tread to provide more traction when the roads are slick with ice & slush.

More Friends = More Fun!

There’s so much to gain from finding a group to train with! It keeps you motivated by having a group of people to hold you accountable and you’ll want to join more training sessions so that you can see your friends. You can compare notes and ask for guidance when you feel like you’re falling short and you have people to celebrate all your successes with! There’s no doubt that being part of a community can bring so much joy into your life – this is why we love hosting our indoor training program through the cold months; to keep each other warm with our friendship. 🥰 Too cheesy? Then I’ll just say that we’ll stay warm by sweating our asses off on the saddle together. 🚲💦 Sign up below to get the most out of your training this November-April!



No matter your training goals for the off-season, there are lots of ways to achieve them — Whether you set up on an indoor trainer or brave the bitter outdoors!

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